Home & Living

Keene Eye Routing commander Controls several sky Boxes

Here’s a new gadget that will be a boon to custom installers as well as diy house automators alike.  The Keene Eye Routing commander (or KERC for short) is a gadget that enables several sky tuners in the exact same place – perhaps a cupboard or 19″ rack – to be managed individually.

“KERC – accomplish independent manage of several sky Receivers within the exact same cabinet. The KERC is a advanced IR manage distribution device, designed primarily for utilize with UK SKY® satellite decoders. It is especially fit to installations of several SKY® receivers as it is able to overcome the issue of receivers of the exact same type all responding to the exact same IR code.

The KERC is able to decode the different modes of SKY® IR manage signals as well as path them to specific receiver outputs as required.

It achieves this by making utilize of a facility already built-in to the remote control. The supplied remote manage for every SKY® receiver can be set to one of three different receiver types (standard, SKY+® & SKYHD®) as well as likewise to one of four different modes, (0,1,2 & 3) providing a overall of 12 possible kinds of IR code. The KERC is able to differentiate between these different types as well as path the IR signal accordingly.

Independently manage several sky receivers within the exact same cabinet

Provides a “hard-wired” in cupboard solution

Eliminate IR bleed as well as cross talk

Will work with original sky remotes”

The KERC is offered now £99.00

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