
A BANG UP JOB: how I cut MY own BANGS

who knew posting one little picture on instagram with Clara would start a tell-me-more-about-the-bangs frenzy? You people are a curious bunch, demanding a post about my hair. Haha. There were even conspiracy theories that they weren’t real and I was pulling a Kim K on you people by flipping my ponytail and faking them. Hilarious! but they are in fact real. Can’t say the same thing about my chest (just kidding). I just got off the sofa on Saturday afternoon, walked into the shower room and cut them, came back out and sat on the sofa, and waited for John and Clara to notice. They seemed not to mind them (in fact John said they made me look “young and hot” so I’ll take it) and they do very conveniently cover my forehead wrinkles. So… score!

Because I cut them in the shower room mirror all by myself, they’re absolutely not perfect, but they seem to pass as actual bangs in real life, rather than looking like a child who took the kitchen scissors to her head. and considering that lots of (many) of you people demanded a tutorial, here she blows.

I guess we must call this the sister post to the how-I-cut-John’s-hair post that I shared here. It’s pretty straightforward so quite honestly the most awkward part was getting these photos taken. Gah, I’m horrible at posing for John. So it went something like this:
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John: click, click, click, “Do you need anything else?”

Me: “Ahh, this is stupid. Nevermind! We’re done.”

John: “What? I only took three photos? You sure?”

Me: “Ok, what about one like this? Ahh, too close. Back up! back up! maybe we need to get a lens to make my face artfully blurry.”

John: “Um… ok. So we’re done?”

As for the actual tutorial, it goes like this:

All I did was pull the hair in front that I thought must be bangs (which made a soft curved shape at the crown) forward and then I pulled the rest of my hair back into a ponytail to keep it out of the way. My hair might look ambiguously wet/dry in the picture above, but it’s fully dry.

Which leads us to step 2…

I looked up a few pictures on google of people with blunt bangs just to notice where they stopped. The ones I liked a lot of sort of grazed the eyelashes (good thing I looked considering that my first instinct would have been to cut them above my eyebrows- eeks!). then I cut them dry while looking in the mirror with the part of hair that I sectioned out just flopping in front of my face. cutting them dry is crucial for me considering that wet hair can look heavier and longer and then dry and shrink up, thereby spoiling your life. Well, that’s a little dramatic, but it can absolutely pull a fast one on you, so dry hair seems to work best for ending up with bangs at the actual intended length.

Then I dipped my head into the sink to get my bangs all wet and used a blow-dryer to blow them dry in front of my face. This was valuable because after I dried them a few long stragglers stuck out and I snipped them straight across for a a lot more blunt look. I have a absurd cowlick, so I’m trying not to be a crazy about how they fall. Although in this instagram picture there was a funny comb-over effect going on considering that a few from the other side of my head danced over to that side (hence those few guesses that this was a bang hoax I guess, haha).

Thanks to the aforementioned cowlick, often I pull them apart like this. just if it’s humid and they’re being wonky. Sorry about this bad self portrait, I was past the point of embarrassment after posing for John, seeing the pictures he took, deleting them in horror, and telling him to back out of the room slowly while whispering “it’s not your fault this is just so awkwaaaard.”

I can still pin them all back with two tiny bobby pins and rock my regular old pony (which I did last night for the Austin signing considering that it was crazy rainy and my hair + humidity = Frizz-fest 2013). So I guess I get three looks from this little snip-fest: 1) blunt bangs, 2)parted bangs, and 3) no bangs in any way thanks to Mrs Bobby and her pal Pins.

Anyway, I hope this quick little tutorial helps someone out there save some money on a bang trim or something. Or just gives you all a good laugh at how uneasy capturing these photos actually was for me. It might sound crazy but I’m used to taking pictures of the house, not my mug. So it took me ideal back to high school yearbook photos and I was all clammy and odd about it. Seriously I didn’t know where to look, how to smile, it was a mess. any individual else tackling some diy haircuts at home? Or rocking some freshly shorn bangs? tell $herdog all about it.

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